In Stock and Ready to Go!!
Great Sounding Music makes everything better
Octorock by Rockustics Econorock by Rockustics Rockustics CB5
Weathered 2-way, Porous and Weathered The Cherry Bomb by
100 watt speaker. Sedimentary Rock Design, Rockustics includes 3
Colors-Gray this 2-way Rock Speaker is Way Design, 5” dual-
or Brown ideal for small to Medium Sized Chamber band-pass
Driver: 8" coax Ohms: 4 areas. 6.5" Coaxial Driver, 4 Ohm Subwoofer, a 4 inch
fits beautifully in larger Impedance. Available in Grey or Woofer, and a .75 inch
backyards and pool areas, Sandstone also available in 70v Tweeter all in one
as well as other settings Small Unit
requiring more bass
also available in 70v
We also have plenty of direct burial wire, stereo and multi-channel amplifiers, TruAudio VSSL's and NuVo music streamers !!!
Call us at 516-249.8800